Dr. Adam Forbes 022 367 2326

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Contribution to the NZ Wilding Conifer Group's Wilding Webinars Series

DJI 0048

Today I was fortunate enough to present to the NZ Wilding Confier Group as part of their Wilding Webinars Series! I spoke about what we have learnt about native forest regeneration in pine plantations/plantation clear-fells and how this knowledge might relate to wilding conifer stands. If you missed the webinar and are interested in hearing more you can access the 31 min recording at this link: https://forbesecology-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/adam_forbesecology_co_nz/Ec6u4TrI7KtFk-2i95HjWpEBk-x4Mimi792PIL2RySqWnQ?e=C9oYoV


Click the link and then press play!


Also, check out the NZ Wilding Conifer Website – you can join for free to benefit from their awesome programme of information sharing on this important topic https://www.wildingconifers.org.nz/new-zealand-wilding-conifer-group/our-history/