Dr. Adam Forbes 022 367 2326

Restoring our Native Forests

Are you seeking specialist advice to establish or manage native forest? Forbes Ecology integrates restoration knowledge with forest management advice to help you achieve your environmental, cultural and economic objectives.

Here are some common scenarios to illustrate how our advice could assist you: 

  • Establishing forest cover – You are unsure of the most cost effective method of establishing native forest cover on a particular land area (e.g., which areas to plant, and which areas will regenerate adequately?).
  • Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) eligibility – You are wanting to register native forest in the ETS, but are unsure about eligibility with respect to the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) "Forest Land" definition. 
  • Permanent forest carbon sink management – You have native forest registered in the ETS, but want to increase biomass and to improve biodiversity values. You are wanting your carbon sink to also perform as a healthy forest ecosystem.
  • Changing land use to native forest – You are considering retirement of land areas and want to know what the options are for establishing native forest and what the income streams of those forest options could be.
  • Transitioning exotic forest to native forest – You have an exotic plantation forest but would rather have a native forest. You may or may not intend on harvesting the plantation. You want to know how best to achieve native cover from each scenario. 
  • Planning restoration plantings – You would like a list of species, or a plan, for native forest restoration planting. 
  • Forest surveys and monitoring – You are interested in better understanding aspects of your forest (e.g., health, composition, biomass), and want to know how to do this robustly.

Forbes Ecology prides itself on deploying systematic, evidence-based methods using field or desktop assessments as appropriate.

Please contact Dr Adam Forbes to discuss your project requirements.